Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Got Seafood? Got Oil? Got Toxic Chemicals? Yep. Look Before You Eat

I love seafood as much as the next guy, but I think I'm going to abstain for a little while. Although The Earth Org has nothing to do with online social media technically speaking, is there a social issue bigger or more important than the health of the planet we depend on to live?

If you can't donate, please forward this message far and wide.

Dragonly with oil tipped wings

                                             August, 25 2010
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The Earth Organization
Shines Light on Seafood Safety


Dear Members and Supporters,

According to the most recent Rasmu
ssen poll, the public's approval rating of Congress has fallen to a low of 16%.Oil stained shrimp

But last week a Congressional subcommittee got it right.

On August 19th, hearings were held on Gulf Seafood Safety. Representatives from a variety of government agencies, scientists and other organizations testified.

During the course of the hearings, a critical lack of oversight of the safety of seafood coming from the Gulf was exposed.

It rolled out like this.

A report was issued the previous week by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and NOAA (National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Agency) regarding the safety of Gulf seafood.

The report had a surprising lack of scientific rigor: it was not peer-reviewed, nor was it footnoted. It failed to include any of the appropriate scientific formulas or methods that were used to reach the conclusions, making it impossible for independent scientists to verify the information.

In promoting the safety of seafood from the Gulf, the seafood industry has been utterly relying on the information provided to them by the EPA and NOAA: that Gulf seafood is being thoroughly tested and is 100% safe.

But the hearing found otherwise.

The hearing exposed the fact that only one set of chemicals was being tested for. But some of the most toxic elements in the chemical dispersant, which is so thoroughly mixed with the oil, are not being tested for.

They were not testing for arsenic, mercury, or an extremely toxic compound called "2 Butoxy Ethanol" and other highly toxic chemicals that are ingredients in the dispersant.

But that wasn't the most glaring part of the Congressional expose.

The primary method they are using to test the seafood is called "sensory testing." As no one defined what sensory testing was during the hearing, we conducted our own research.

As it turned out, sensory testing is smelling or tasting the seafood to see if chemicals can be perceived.  If they cannot be sensed through the nose or taste buds, then it is given a clean bill of health.

One could find some humor in this if it did not have the potential of such disastrous impacts on the public's health.

The levels of arsenic, mercury, and other toxic chemicals that are in the dispersant can create health problems while, still not being detectable to taste or smell.  Several scientists, both in the hearing and out, expressed grave concern as to how the public's health was being safeguarded under these conditions.

To the surprise of the owner and his customers, last week oil was found oystersin raw oysters served in a restaurant in North Carolina. (Click here to watch the video.) It is likely that this is not an isolated case.  Of key concern is not the oil that can be seen, but the oil mixed with the poisonous dispersant that can not be seen.

The one thing the hearings did not address is a real solution to the problem; but, The Earth Organization has.

The technology called "bio-remediation" can effectively clean up the entire Gulf in a matter of a few months, including the beaches and marshlands.

Bio-remediation, through scientifically proven methods, boosts Mother Nature's ability to break down oil and toxic chemicals into their non-toxic components through the use of natural microbes. It is non-toxic and easy to apply.

This isn't hyperbole or wishful thinking. We are working with a number of bio-remediation companies and scientists in the Gulf.For example, one product called Oil Spill Eaters II has cleaned up 14,000 oil spills around the world, safely, effectively and cost effectively over the last 20 years.

Bio-remediation would return clean water to the Gulf and allow the marine life to recover as quickly as possible. This would pave the way for the seafood and restaurant industries to get back to normal, assured that they are serving healthy food.

The point is not to stop eating all seafood; but know what you are eating.

The real reason why bio-remediation has not, yet, been used is the broad public does not know about it.  We are producing a hard-hitting video program to remedy this. We already have extensive distribution lines for it set up.  We intend to make bio-remediation a household word.

And we need your support to get the presentation completed! We have raised half of the funds necessary to get it done. Time is of the essence. We need to get this done immediately! If each of our supporters donated $50, we would have this program on the air in less than 10 days. Truly, we need your help now!

Kindest Regards,

Black TEO Logo

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