Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Back Up Your Life (Before it's Too Late!)

I guess people think what I think. "It'll never happen to me."

But then it did. My hard drive crashed. Hard. I still haven't gotten all my data off my old computer. I didn't have the time! All efforts went into locating and purchasing another computer. Thankfully I got a good deal, but I still lost a couple weeks of momentum in my business as I made do with other computers (that didn't have my files).

If only I had known about MyPCBackup then.



Having been through a mini-disaster (I admit, a lot of files I needed were on Google Docs already - but a lot of client files were not), I instantly understood how valuable a service it is to backup one's files into a secure cloud-based system. Being in the "Cloud" is just being able to access your data from anywhere. It isn't really in a "cloud." There's a computer somwhere hosting your data. And it's not just the "extra" laptop someone had hanging around

We're talking rows and rows of computers that can hold tons of data, and way more secure than your desktop or laptop. Of course, there's the matter of price. If you have tons of data, it can start getting expensive to back up everything.

So I was happy to find MyPCBackup, because they have a free option as well as inexpensive data backup. So I thought I'd share the love. They have a great affiliate program to (just to give full disclosure!) so you can get tons of free space for nothing if you like their service and refer it. So far I haven't found anything to dislike! Thus, this blog post. Check it out of you want to backup your "life." As they say, when you drop your phone, you panic. When your friend falls, you laugh. Well, pretty much the same for the data on your computer, right? Not so funny when you lose your own data...

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