Thursday, February 23, 2012

Easy Referral Marketing for Your Business


Referrals. Often the lifeblood of a small business that focuses on customer service. But the logistics of maintaining a referral marketing program can be tough for already overloaded business owners. Is there a way to simplify referral marketing while increasing it's effects cumulatively?

Yes, there is. 

There are 3 pieces to this puzzle:

  1. The merchant (your company)
  2. The potential referral partner (clients or perhaps partner companies that you work with in some way, that have some kind of web presence, even if it's just a Facebook personal profile.)
  3. The software that makes it all possible.

The software makes allows 1 and 2 above to work together efficiently. Both the merchant and the potential affiliate sign up for different parts of the software. The merchant pays a sign up fee, the affiliate doesn't have to pay anything.

The merchant has set up steps to do. Banner ads and some text to come up with for affiliates to use. Then the merchant has to define if it wants to give a percentage of the sale, flat referral fee, etc.

The affiliates sign up to work with the merchant (your company and other merchants that are using the same software), download the merchant's links and/or banners and place them on their website, facebook page, blog post, article, or email.

If you can identify a number of happy customers, vendors, suppliers that would be willing to promote you, it could have a nice cumulative effect in terms of new leads and/or customers. When a sale occurs, the merchant informs Shareasale who then issues a check automatically to the affiliate! Of course, the merchant has to deposit some funds into an account for the commission checks. Funds maybe withdrawn by the merchant at any time.

The software tracks everything for both sides. The affiliate can see the number of hits to their banner ads, and the Merchants can track progress through their side of the software. Pretty slick! Click below if you'd like more information.

Posted via email from Get Visible Online Now!

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