Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Gulf Oil Spill Campaign - Please pass this on!

 One of my clients is heavily involved in environmental issues, and of course, the one on everyone's mind is the Gulf Oil Spill.  Effective Microorganisms are proven to resolve spills like this, but of course, BP isn't planning on doing something effective.  Otherwise the spill would be contained by now. 

Please pass on this newsletter through whatever channels you have. There is a proven way to naturally fix the problem, we need to raise a stink about it and create tons of awareness.  Thanks!

Trevor Eisenman


                                                  June 23, 2010
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Gulf Oil Spill Relief Campaign Update

Dear Members, Supporters and Friends,

If you haven't been in the polluted waters of Louisiana and felt the toxic brown goo on the rocks and shells against your skin, if you haven't smelled the stench of oil on the beaches, and if you haven't  seen the tainted water encroaching against your shores, you really can't get a concept of just how bad it really is. 

Watching it on the news does not give you an understanding of how catastrophic this situation is, no matter how bad the news reports are.
This is not a localized earthquake or hurricane.  As bad as they are, the potential global impact of this situation so exceeds the order of magnitude of devastation of Katrina or Haiti, it boggles the mind.
The Earth Organization is meeting with bio-remediation experts, looking for those companies that utilize non-genetically modified microorganisms for oil spill remediation and who can go into a viable level of production once the microorganism technology is approved for application to this oil spill.  The barriers and challenges that are being put in front of these companies are unbelievable.  No one seems to be able to find out how to get past those barriers or who can make a decision.

Some of the companies who use microorganism tech. have already gone through and spent enormous sums of money to get EPA approval for their products, a few have even taken the extra step to get themselves onto the National Contingency Plan product schedule and even they so far, are not being allowed to implement their solution.
That means that even though they have approval from the EPA to utilize their products in a national oil spill emergency, they are not being allowed to do so in Louisiana.  The Earth Organization is working to find out exactly why the technology is not being utilized yet and what needs to be done to get it implemented immediately.
Headway is being made, we have uncovered the exact steps that need to be followed to get the products approved by the Department of Environmental Quality of Louisiana and are working on getting that published to bio-remediation companies.
Additionally, we have found that by far the greater majority of government officials and civic leaders have either never even heard of bio-remediation, or they have no idea what it is, or have false and confusing information about it.  We have been educating government officials, civic leaders and the broad public about the effectiveness of this microorganism technology.
As part of our public education efforts to get the word out that this technology is one of the most, if not the most effective solution to the oil spill clean up and the rescue and restoration of the marine life and wildlife, The Earth Organization's International President, Barbara Wiseman, was interviewed on NBC last Friday with an estimated viewership of 3.5 million.

We need your help now!  This is no light matter and, yes, it will affect you and your loved ones in one way or another unless this situation can be handled.  The good news is that it can be handled.  We have a solution, but we need your financial support to help us implement it.
Please go to our website immediately at and become a member, move up to a new level of membership, or make a donation of $20 or more.
In addition to financial support - here's how you can help right now:

Please forward this letter on, or send a copy of the write-up on microorganism tech. to everyone you know.  The biggest barrier we are running into is that people do not have enough information about this. The general public needs to know there is a solution, they need to let their elected officials and civic leaders know there is a solution, and they need to demand that the microorganism technology take high and immediate priority in cleaning up the oil spill and the affected wildlife.
We are also looking for supporters to donate airline miles and new or used laptop computers for our team's use in the Gulf.

Any donations are extremely appreciated. We are an official 501(c)3 non-profit, so all donations are tax-deductible.
Thanks very much for your help, interest and support. We will continue to keep you informed as we progress.


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Posted via email from Really Simple Social Media

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